2022 Foals

The foals we are expecting in 2022, beginning in late January.
Foaling is finished now until early April.

Dam: Rhapsody's Creme de la Creme
Sire: Rhapsody's Headliner

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible
Nominated for ASPC Futurity

Foal: Palomino Stallion
Name: Rhapsody's Gold Cognac

Our first foal of 2022, this dark palomino colt is super fancy and small. Also pictured is his dam Creme de la Creme, whom we call Della. She currently has only ASPC papers but could be hardshipped into AMHR any time. Cognac is her first foal.


Dam: Sumerwell 50 Shades of Black
Sire: Rhapsody's Workin' For Cash

Foundation eligible.
Nominated for ASPC & AMHR Futurity

Foal: Sorrel Filly
Name: Rhapsody's For Love or Money

Born on Valentine's Day, we are really liking this sweet sorrel filly. Quite small, she looks to be AMHR size.



Dam: Rhapsody's Victorian Reign
Sire: Tibbs King Cobra

Foundation eligible

Foal: Palomino Filly
Name: Rhapsody's Love on the Nile

Our lovely Reign Man daughter Vicki had this sweet palomino filly on Valentine's Day. This is Vicki's second foal and her first to be sired by King Cobra.


Dam: Rhapsody's Egyptian Charm
Sire: Rhapsody's Workin' For Cash

Foundation eligible

Foal: Sorrel Filly
Name: Rhapsody's Crimson Cashmere

Charm is a dark sorrel daughter of Tibbs King Cobra and this is her first foal. Cashmere is also one of the first foals sired by our Lolita son, Cash.


Dam: Rhapsody's Scarlet Lace
Sire: Rhapsody's Workin' For Cash

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible

Foal: Sorrel Frame Stallion
Name: Rhapsody's Hit The Jackpot

Another maiden mare, Scarlet Lace is a beautiful sorrel frame overo and is a full sister to our stallion Custom Chrome. Her first foal is this fancy dark sorrel frame stallion, only a few days old in this photo. More photos on the way.

Picture Coming Soon

Dam: Rhapsody's Sweet Carmelita
Sire: Rhapsody's Workin' For Cash

Foundation eligible.
Nominated for ASPC & AMHR Futurity

Foal: Bay Stallion

Lolita's sister Carmelita has a petite bay stud colt. Pictures coming soon.


Dam: RHA Unique Treasure OK
Sire: Rhapsody's Headliner


Treasure is a sweet little Legend daughter in foal to Headliner for the first time.


Dam: Rhapsody's Flashy Lady
Sire: Rhapsody's Custom Chrome

ASPC only foal
Nominated for ASPC Futurity

Flash has been having loud frame foals sired by Chrome. Her 2020 bay frame filly was a keeper.


Dam: Rhapsody's Super Twinkie
Sire: Rhapsody's Headliner

Foundation eligible.

Twinkie X Headliner's 2020 foal was a fancy buckskin stallion. Looking forward to the 2022 version.


Dam: Royal Fancy Dancin'
Sire: Tibbs King Cobra

Foundation eligible

This colorful young red roan sabino mare from Royal Pony Farm is expecting her second foal.


Dam: Rhapsody's All Doll'd Up
Sire: Rhapsody's Turbo-Charged


Sweet little Doll is expecting another Turbo foal in 2022.


Dam: Rhapsody's Regal Surprise
Sire: Rhapsody's Headliner

Foundation eligible.
Nominated for ASPC & AMHR Futurity

Regal's 2021 foal by Headliner was a spectacular bay filly. Bred back the same way for 2022.


Dam: Rhapsody's Classy Chassis
Sire: B&L's Rock "E" Hollywood Celebrity

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible

Chassis is expecting a foundation foal by Hollywood for 2022.


Dam: Royal Misty's Style Setter
Sire: B&L's Rock "E" Hollywood Celebrity

ASPC only foal
Nominated for ASPC Futurity

Hoping for one more foal from this grand old Royal Pony Farm mare. She sure looks in foal to our grand old Rock E son, Hollywood.


Dam: Clayburys Essence of Reign
Sire: B&L's Rock "E" Hollywood Celebrity

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible.

Looking forward to a palomino foal from our little cremello mare, Esse.


Dam: Rhapsody's Caramel Curves
Sire: Rhapsody's Custom Chrome

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible.

Caramel is a lovely sorrel pinto daughter of Echo's Mr Impressive SR and B&L's Rock "E" Fashionable Lyric. In foal to Chrome for 2022.


Dam: Rhapsody's Geisha Girl
Sire: B&L's Rock "E" Hollywood Celebrity

ASPC only foal

Looking forward to a first foal from sweet Geisha.


Dam: Rhapsody's Crazy Beautiful
Sire: Rhapsody's Custom Chrome

ASPC only foal
Nominated for ASPC Futurity

Looking forward to a first foal from Beauty and Chrome.


Dam: Rhapsody's Irish Creme
Sire: Tibbs King Cobra

Foundation eligible.

A cremello herself, "Fiona" always has fancy palomino or buckskin foals. This will be her first foal sired by Cobra.


Dam: Rhapsody's Vanity Fair
Sire: B&L's Rock "E" Hollywood Celebrity

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible

Vanna's first foal was a fancy bay frame overo colt. Bred back the same way for 2022.


Dam: No White III OK
Sire: Rhapsody's Custom Chrome

ASPC only foal

No White has been producing very fancy frame foals by Chrome. Looking forward to the 2022 edition.


Dam: Masters Painted Delite 2000
Sire: Rhapsody's Turbo-Charged

Foundation eligible.

Dear little "Texas" will be 22 this year. She has been a remarkable broodmare in that she nearly always produces better than herself. In foal to Turbo for the first time.


Dam: Rhapsody's Some Kind of Wonderful
Sire: Rhapsody's Custom Chrome

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible.

Wonderful, or Wanda as she is known here, is a daughter of our great Classic mare, Elegant Lady. Her first foal sired by Chrome was a FANCY sorrel frame stallion. Bred back the same way for 2022.


Dam: McCalls EJ Star Gazer
Sire: Rhapsody's Golden Graffiti

ASPC only foal

Star Gazer is one of the first mares in foal to Graffiti.


Dam: S&B Silver Sierra
Sire: Rhapsody's Turbo-Charged

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible.

Sierra is an outstanding producer of Foundation and/or AMHR foals. At 20 years old this spring, her foals are always highly anticipated.


Dam: Rhapsody's Angels Wear Prada Too
Sire: Rhapsody's Golden Graffiti

ASPC only foal

A petite Classic mare, Prada is in foal for the first time to Graffiti.


Dam: Shirl Lee
Sire: Rhapsody's Golden Graffiti

ASPC only foal
Foundation eligible

Shirl Lee is a lovely sorrel pinto mare from Royal Pony Farm. Looking forward to her foal sired by Graffiti.


Dam: Rhapsody's Royal Heiress
Sire: Rhapsody's Turbo-Charged

Foundation eligible.
Nominated for ASPC & AMHR Futurity

Hoping for a 2022 foal from "Charlotte".


Dam: Reeves Super Smooth (AQHA)
Sire: Rhapsodys Rock E Memphis Celebrity

NSPPR foal

Our Quarter mare Maggie had a gorgeous NSPPR foal in 2021. Hoping for a repeat in 2022.


Dam: Smoothie Reeves (AQHA)
Sire: Rhapsodys Rock E Memphis Celebrity

NSPPR foal

Smoothie's foals have been very successful in NSPPR.


Dam: Boxbar Pink Mink (AQHA)
Sire: Rhapsodys Rock E Memphis Celebrity

NSPPR foal

Pink's first NSPPR foal was a handsome red roan stallion. Blue roan in 2022 would be cool.


Dam: Katy OWF (AHA)
Sire: Rhapsodys Rock E Memphis Celebrity

NSPPR foal

Think pretty Katy is in foal for a half Arab in 2022.